Decoded Slug: 无非 (wúfēi) - Nothing but, merely

Mandarin Grammar Point
无非 (wúfēi) - Nothing but, merely

无非 (wúfēi) - Nothing but, merely

Short explanation:

Used to highlight that something is not more than what is being stated.


Subject + 无非 + Verb/Adjective + Rest of the sentence


Tā wúfēi shì xiǎngyào duō zhēngqǔ yīdiǎn shíjiān.
He is merely trying to gain a little more time.
Tā wúfēi xiǎng ràng wǒmen kāixīn yīdiǎn.
She merely wants to make us a bit happier.
Diǎnxíng de níngméng qìshuǐ wúfēi jiùshì hán yǒu níngméng hé táng.
Typical lemon soda is nothing but contains lemon and sugar.
Zhè wúfēi shì yīgè jīběn de chángshí wèntí.
This is nothing but a basic common sense issue.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '无非 (wúfēi)' is used to express 'nothing but' or 'merely'. It is used to specify the limit or simplicity of something, minimizing the complexity, diversity, or gravity by suggesting it is nothing beyond the given explanation. '无非' often functions as an adverb to modify the following sentence.

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