Decoded Slug: 根本 (gēnběn) - At all, simply (as in 'not at all')

Mandarin Grammar Point
根本 (gēnběn) - At all, simply (as in 'not at all')

根本 (gēnběn) - At all, simply (as in 'not at all')

Short explanation:

Used to emphasize a negative statement, similar to 'at all' or 'simply' in English.


Subject + 根本 + Negative Verb + Rest of the sentence


Tā gēnběn bù xǐhuān kàn diànyǐng.
He doesn't like watching movies at all.
Wǒ gēnběn méi shíjiān qù lǚyóu.
I simply don't have time to travel.
Nǐ de jiànyì tā gēnběn bù huì tīng.
He won't listen to your advice at all.
Tā gēnběn jiù méiyǒu qùguò Měiguó.
He has never been to America at all.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese word '根本 (gēnběn)' is a adverb that is often used for emphasis in negative statements, similar to the usage of 'at all' or 'simply' in English. It is generally used to stress the nonexistence or unlikelihood of a particular event, action, or situation. The term frequently appears before the verb in most sentence structures.

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