Decoded Slug: 毫无 (háo wú) - Without any, not in the least

Mandarin Grammar Point
毫无 (háo wú) - Without any, not in the least

毫无 (háo wú) - Without any, not in the least

Short explanation:

Used to express the complete absence of something.


Subject + 毫无 + Object


Tā háo wú lǐyóu de jiù líkāi le jùhuì.
He left the party without any reason.
Zhè jiàn shì wǒ háowú suǒzhī.
I know nothing about this matter.
Tóuténg de yào yǐjīng chī wánle, kěshì wǒ háishì háowú gǎishàn.
I've finished the headache medicine, but I've not improved at all.
Tā háo wú jiézhì de chīle tài duō tiánshí.
He ate too many sweets without any restraint.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '毫无 (háo wú)' signifies an absolute lack or absence of something. It is often used to exhibit the complete nonexistence or nonoccurrence of a certain concept, idea, action, or thing. This term is the equivalent of saying 'without any' or 'not in the least' in English.

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