Decoded Slug: 由 (yóu) - By (indicating a passive voice)

Mandarin Grammar Point
由 (yóu) - By (indicating a passive voice)

由 (yóu) - By (indicating a passive voice)

Short explanation:

Used to indicate a passive voice, expressing an action done by the agent.


Subject + 被/由 + Agent + Verb + Rest of the sentence


Zhège xiàngmù yóu tāmen de tuánduì fùzé.
This project is handled by their team.
Zhè jiān fángjiān de shèjì shì yóu zhùmíng de jiànzhùshī wánchéng de.
The design of this room was done by a famous architect.
Zhè bù diànyǐng shì yóu Lǐ ān dǎoyǎn de.
This movie was directed by Ang Lee.
Zhè piān lùnwén shì yóu wǒ fùzé xiě de.
This thesis was written by me.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '由 (yóu)' is used to denote a passive voice. It is placed in front of the agent (the one doing the action), to express that the action is done 'by' them. It is similar to using 'by' in English when constructing passive sentences.

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