Decoded Slug: 由于 (yóuyú) - Due to, because of

Mandarin Grammar Point
由于 (yóuyú) - Due to, because of

由于 (yóuyú) - Due to, because of

Short explanation:

Used to denote the reason or cause of a situation or event.


由于 + Reason/Cause, + Result/Action.


Yóuyú jiāotōng dǔsè, wǒ cuòguòle fēijī.
Due to traffic congestion, I missed the airplane.
Tā bùnéng cānjiā bǐsài, yóuyú tā shòushāng le.
He can't participate in the competition, due to his injury.
Yóuyú yǔ xià dé hěn dà, wǒmen juédìng bù qù gōngyuán le.
Due to the heavy rain, we decided not to go to the park.
Tā de chénggōng yóuyú tā de nǔlì gōngzuò hé cáinéng.
His success is due to his hard work and talent.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '由于 (yóuyú)' is used to express the cause or reason behind a certain event or situation. It is equivalent to 'due to' or 'because of' in English. This conjunction is usually used to start a sentence or phrase, explaining why something happened or is happening.

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