Decoded Slug: 被 (bèi) - Passive voice marker

Mandarin Grammar Point
被 (bèi) - Passive voice marker

被 (bèi) - Passive voice marker

Short explanation:

Used to indicate passive voice in a sentence.


Subject + 被 + Actor + Verb + Object


Wǒ de shǒujī bèi wǒ dìdì jiè zōu le.
My phone has been borrowed by my younger brother.
Wǒ de dàngāo bèi gǒu chī diào le.
My cake was eaten by the dog.
Zhège gùshì bèi dàjiā chuán dé mǎnchéng fēngyǔ.
This story was spread by everyone creating a commotion in town.
Wǒ de gōngzuò bèi xīn lái de yuángōng jiētì le.
My job has been taken over by the new employee.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese character '被 (bèi)' is a grammatical particle used to denote the passive voice. Passive voice is when the subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb. It can be translated as 'by' in English. Please note, it is often used when the action is negative or not to the benefit of the subject.

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