Decoded Slug: 趁 (chèn) - To take advantage of

Mandarin Grammar Point
趁 (chèn) - To take advantage of

趁 (chèn) - To take advantage of

Short explanation:

This expresses the idea of taking advantage of an opportunity or situation to do something.


Subject + 趁 + Situation/Opportunity + Verb + Rest of the sentence


Chèn tiānqì hái bùcuò, wǒmen qù gōngyuán sànbù ba.
Let's take advantage of the decent weather and go to the park for a walk.
Chèn lǎobǎn bù zài, tā tōutōu de chōuyān.
He smokes secretly taking advantage of the boss's absence.
Chèn tā hái méiyǒu líkāi, wǒ dǎsuàn xiàng tā dàoqiàn.
I plan to apologize to her while she hasn't left yet.
Chèn zhe zhōumò nǐ yǒu kōng, wǒmen kěyǐ qù kàn diànyǐng.
While you have free time over the weekend, we can go to see a movie.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese word '趁 (chèn)' is used to express the concept of utilizing an opportunity or a situation to carry out a certain action. It often implies that the action is performed while the given situation or condition is still in progress and is analogous to 'taking advantage of' or 'seizing the moment' in English.

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