Mandarin Grammar Point
越…越… (yuè… yuè…) - The more... the more...

越…越… (yuè… yuè…) - The more... the more...

Short explanation:

Used to express the idea that with the increase or decrease of something, another thing increases or decreases accordingly.


Subject + 越 + Adjective/Verb + 越 + Adjective/Verb


Tā yuè xuéxí Zhōngwén, tā jiù yuè ài tā.
The more she studies Chinese, the more she loves it.
Wǒmen yuè zǎo wánchéng gōngzuò, wǒmen jiù yǒu yuè duō de shíjiān qù wán.
The earlier we finish work, the more time we will have to play.
Tā yuè chī qiǎokèlì, tā jiù yuè juédé kāixīn.
The more he eats chocolate, the happier he feels.
Yuè duō de rén qù cānjiā zhège huódòng, tā jiù huì yuè chénggōng.
The more people participate in this event, the more successful it will be.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese structure '越…越… (yuè… yuè…)' is used to express the idea that as one situation or action increases or decreases, another situation or action increases or decreases correspondingly. This structure is almost directly equivalent to the English 'the more... the more...' structure. It is often used to communicate co-dependent properties or conditions.

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