Mandarin Grammar Point
越...越... (yuè... yuè...) - The more... the more...

越...越... (yuè... yuè...) - The more... the more...

Short explanation:

Used to indicate that one action or situation impacts another in a proportional way.


Subject + 越 + Adjective/Verb + 越 + Adjective/Verb


Wǒ yuè kàn zhè bù diànyǐng, wǒ jiù yuè xǐhuan tā.
The more I watch this movie, the more I like it.
Tā yuè chī qiǎokèlì, tā jiù yuè pàng.
The more he eats chocolate, the fatter he gets.
Háizimen yuè dà, tāmen jiù yuè dúlì.
The bigger the children are, the more independent they become.
Nǐ yuè zǎo wánchéng zuòyè, nǐ jiù kěyǐ yuè zǎo qù wán.
The sooner you finish your homework, the sooner you can go play.

Long explanation:

'越...越...' in Mandarin Chinese is a structure used to indicate that the degree of one event or action corresponds to the degree of another. In English, this structure is similar to 'the more..., the more...' meaning that as one thing increases or intensifies, so does the other.

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