Decoded Slug: 除了...都 (chúle...dōu) - Except for..., all...

Mandarin Grammar Point
除了...都 (chúle...dōu) - Except for..., all...

除了...都 (chúle...dōu) - Except for..., all...

Short explanation:

This phrase is used to express 'except for' or 'other than'.


Subject + 除了 + What is excluded + 都 + Rest of the sentence


Chúle Xiǎo Míng, wǒmen dōu yǐjīng chīguò wǎnfànle.
Except for Xiao Ming, we have all already had dinner.
Chúle píngguǒ, tā dōu chīle.
He ate everything except for the apple.
Zhège fángjiān lǐmiàn, chúle chuānghù, wǒmen dōu yǐjīng qīnglǐguòle.
In this room, we have cleaned everything except for the windows.
Wǒ xiě wánle suǒyǒu de bàogào, chúle zuìhòu yī piān.
I have finished writing all the reports, except for the final one.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '除了...都 (chúle...dōu)' is used to indicate the exclusion of a specific item, person, or situation from a general statement. Essentially, it signifies that all others (indicated by '都') follow this statement except for the mentioned exception ('除了'). Note that sometimes '都' can be omitted, especially when the meaning is clear.

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