Decoded Slug: Verb 'thấy nói'

Vietnamese Grammar Point
Verb 'thấy nói'

Verb 'thấy nói'

Short explanation:

Used to express someone's indirect or reported speech, observations, or thoughts.


The sentence structure is [Subject + thấy nói + information shared]


Tôi thấy nói cuốn sách này rất hay.
I heard that this book is very good.
Cô ấy thấy nói anh ấy sắp chuyển công việc.
She heard that he is about to change jobs.
Anh ấy thấy nói cô ấy đã di chuyển đến một thành phố mới.
He heard that she has moved to a new city.
Chúng tôi thấy nói có một nhà hàng mới sắp mở cửa ở phố nhà mình.
We heard that there is a new restaurant about to open in our street.

Long explanation:

The Vietnamese verb 'thấy nói' is used when one wants to express someone's indirect speech, observations or thoughts. 'Thấy' translates to 'see' and 'nói' translates to 'say', but together in this context, 'thấy nói' can be understood as 'It is said that' or 'I heard that'. It is used to share information that the speaker heard from others, but didn't directly observe or participate in.

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