Decoded Slug: ~할 수록 [hal surok] (The more...)

Korean Grammar Point
~할 수록 [hal surok] (The more...)

~할 수록 [hal surok] (The more...)

Short explanation:

Used to describe a situation where one action or state increases or intensifies as another action or state does.


Verb stem + 할 수록 + Increasing situation


그녀를 알게 될수록 나는 그녀를 더 사랑하게 되었어요.
Geunyeoreul alge doelsurok naneun geunyeoreul deo saranghage dweeosseoyo.
The more I got to know her, the more I fell in love with her.
연습을 할수록, 당신의 기술은 더 향상될 것입니다.
Yeonseubeul halsurok, dangsinui gisuleun deo hyangsangdoel geosibnida.
The more you practice, the more your skills will improve.
사람들이 많을수록 파티는 더 즐거워질 것입니다.
Saramdeuri manheulsurok patineun deo jeulgeowojil geosibnida.
The more people there are, the more fun the party will be.
시간이 흘러갈수록 그의 그립움은 더 커져 갔어요.
Sigani heulleogalsurok geuui geuripumeun deo keojyeo gasseoyo.
As time passed, his longing grew greater.

Long explanation:

'~할 수록 [hal surok]' is a compound grammar pattern used to express a situation where as one thing happens, another thing happens correspondingly. Essentially, it means 'the more...'. It is used to convey a sense of proportionality or dependency relating two different elements, often employed when the progress of one situation affects the state of another. It may be used in various contexts and situations. Note that both clauses in the sentence usually share the same subject.

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