Decoded Slug: 不 (bù) - Negation word for actions/states

Mandarin Grammar Point
不 (bù) - Negation word for actions/states

不 (bù) - Negation word for actions/states

Short explanation:

不 (bù) is a very common negative adverb used to negate actions or states.


Subject + 不 + Verb/Adjective


Wǒ bù xǐhuān chī là de, yīnwèi là de shíwù huì ràng wǒ de wèi gǎndào bù shūfú.
I don't like eating spicy, as spicy food makes my stomach feel uncomfortable.
Tā bù dǒng Fǎyǔ, suǒyǐ wǒmen xūyào zhǎo yīgè huì Fǎyǔ de rén lái bāngmáng fānyì.
He doesn't understand French, so we need to find someone who knows French to help translate.
Míngtiān rúguǒ bù xià yǔ, wǒmen jiù qù gōngyuán yěcān.
If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will go for a picnic in the park.
Tā bù xǐhuān kàn diànyǐng, suǒyǐ wǒmen zài kǎolǜ qítā de huódòng.
He doesn't like watching movies, so we are considering other activities.

Long explanation:

'不 (bù)' is a fundamental Mandarin Chinese particle used to negate actions or states, expressing the non-existence, non-conformance, or non-occurrence of something. It is generally placed before the verb or the adjective that it modifies. It can also be used before nouns in certain contexts. The negation word '不' is used when expressing negativity in the present or future, but not for past actions.

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