Decoded Slug: 不管 (bùguǎn) - Regardless of, no matter how/what

Mandarin Grammar Point
不管 (bùguǎn) - Regardless of, no matter how/what

不管 (bùguǎn) - Regardless of, no matter how/what

Short explanation:

Used to express that the situation remains the same under any circumstances.


不管 + Situation, Outcome


Bùguǎn fēng háishì yǔ, tā dūhuì qù pǎobù.
Regardless of whether it's wind or rain, he will go jogging.
Bùguǎn zěnme yàng, wǒ yídìng huì zhīchí nǐ de juédìng.
No matter what, I will definitely support your decision.
Bùguǎn nǐ qù nǎlǐ, wǒ dū huì gēn nǐ yìqǐ qù.
Regardless of where you go, I will go with you.
Bùguǎn nǐ shuō shénme, wǒ dū bù huì gǎibiàn wǒ de juédìng.
No matter what you say, I will not change my decision.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '不管 (bùguǎn)' is a conjunction used to express the concept of 'regardless of' or 'no matter what'. '不管' is similar to 'no matter' in English and is often used in hypothetical situations to emphasize that the outcome will not change regardless of the circumstances.

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