Decoded Slug: 不过 (búguò) - However/But

Mandarin Grammar Point
不过 (búguò) - However/But

不过 (búguò) - However/But

Short explanation:

Used to express contrast or bring up an exception to a situation.


Clause 1 + 不过 + Clause 2


Wǒ běnlái xiǎng qù gōngyuán wán. Búguò tiānqì bù hǎo, suǒyǐ wǒ juédìng dāi zài jiā lǐ.
I originally wanted to go to the park. However, the weather is bad, so I decided to stay at home.
Tā shì gè hǎo rén, búguò yǒushíhòu tā de huàyǔ hěn jiānsuān.
He is a good person, however, sometimes his words are very sharp.
Wǒ xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè, búguò wǒ bù xǐhuan chànggē.
I like listening to music, but I don't like singing.
Zhè bù diànyǐng kàn qǐlai hěn yǒuqù, búguò wǒ xiànzài méiyǒu shíjiān qù kàn.
This movie looks very interesting, however, I don't have time to watch it now.

Long explanation:

'不过 (búguò)' is a conjunction used in Mandarin Chinese to mark a transition or contrast between two clauses. It can be translated as 'however', 'but', or 'yet' in English. This conjunction often introduces a sentence or a clause that provides additional, contrasting, or contradictory information to a previous statement.

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