Decoded Slug: 东西 (dōngxi) - Thing/Things

Mandarin Grammar Point
东西 (dōngxi) - Thing/Things

东西 (dōngxi) - Thing/Things

Short explanation:

Used to refer to an object or objects.


Position Word + 的 + 东西 OR Adjective + 的 + 东西


Zhège hézi lǐmiàn de dōngxi shì nǐ de ma? Bú, nàxiē dōngxi shì tā de.
Are the things in this box yours? No, those things are hers.
Wǒ zài chāoshì mǎi le hěnduō dōngxi.
I bought a lot of things at the supermarket.
Wǒ wàng le dài wǒ de dōngxi, wǒ xūyào huí jiā qù ná.
I forgot to bring my things, I need to go back home to get them.
Wǒ bù zhīdào zhège dōngxi de míngzì, dàn wǒ zhīdào tā de yòngtú.
I don't know the name of this thing, but I know its use.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese word '东西 (dōngxi)' is used to refer to an object or objects in a general sense. It is equivalent to 'thing' or 'things' in English. Unlike in English, where 'thing' can have various contexts, in Chinese '东西 (dōngxi)' is more oriented towards physical objects.

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