Decoded Slug: 从来 (cónglái) - Always/Never

Mandarin Grammar Point
从来 (cónglái) - Always/Never

从来 (cónglái) - Always/Never

Short explanation:

Used to indicate something that constantly happens or a state that has never occurred.


For 'always' - Subject + 从来 + 总是 + Verb/Adjective + Rest of the sentence. For 'never' - Subject + 从来 + 不/没 + Verb/Adjective + Rest of the sentence.


Tā cónglái zǒngshì bǎ gōngzuò zuò de fēicháng hǎo.
She always does her work extremely well.
Wǒ cónglái méi jiànguò nàme duō de xīngxīng.
I've never seen so many stars.
Tā cónglái bù chī zǎocān.
He never eats breakfast.
Wǒ cónglái méi xiǎngguò wǒ huì zài zhège bǐsài zhōng huòshèng.
I never thought that I would win in this competition.

Long explanation:

In Mandarin Chinese, '从来 (cónglái)' is a temporal adverb used to express that a certain condition or habit has always been the case or that something has never happened before when combined with a negation (不 or 没). It is equivalent to 'always' or 'never' in English. When using '从来' to mean 'never', '没' or '不' usually follows '从来'.

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