Decoded Slug: 又 (yòu) - Again (referring to a past action)

Mandarin Grammar Point
又 (yòu) - Again (referring to a past action)

又 (yòu) - Again (referring to a past action)

Short explanation:

Used to indicate repetition of a past action or situation.


Subject + 又 + Verb + Object


Tā yòu chídàole, zhè yǐjīng shì tā zhège yuè de dì sān cìle.
He's late again, this is his third time this month.
Tā zuótiān yòu wèi hé bú chī wǎncān? Yīnwèi tā yòu wàngjì le.
Why didn't she eat dinner again yesterday? Because she forgot again.
Wǒ yòu kànle yī biàn nà bù diànyǐng, ràng wǒ yǒule bùtóng de gǎnshòu.
I watched that movie again, and it gave me a different feeling.
Yīnwèi zhè bù xiǎoshuō tài hǎokànle, suǒyǐ wǒ yòu dúle yī biàn.
Because this novel was so good, I read it again.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese term '又 (yòu)' is utilized to denote that a certain action or circumstance has happened again. It refers specifically to actions or situations that have occurred before and are being repeated. It translates to 'again' in English, but specifically for past events.

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