Decoded Slug: 只有...才... (zhǐyǒu... cái...) - Only if/when... then...

Mandarin Grammar Point
只有...才... (zhǐyǒu... cái...) - Only if/when... then...

只有...才... (zhǐyǒu... cái...) - Only if/when... then...

Short explanation:

Used to indicate that 'only if/when' condition A is true, then result B occurs.


只有 + Condition A + 才 + Result B


Zhǐyǒu tōngguò nǔlì xuéxí, wǒ cái néng tōngguò Hànyǔ shuǐpíng kǎoshì.
Only if I study hard, then I can pass the Chinese proficiency test.
Zhǐyǒu liǎojiě yī zhǒng yǔyán de wénhuà bèijǐng, cái néng zhēnzhèng shúxī tā.
Only by understanding the cultural background of a language can you truly be familiar with it.
Zhǐyǒu chīle zǎocān, wǒ cái yǒu zúgòu de néngliàng kāishǐ xīn de yītiān.
Only by eating breakfast do I have enough energy to start a new day.
Zhǐyǒu wǒmen quánlì yǐfù, cái néng wánchéng zhège kùnnán de rènwù.
Only if we give it our all can we complete this difficult task.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '只有...才...' (zhǐyǒu... cái...) is a complex structure used to express that only under a certain condition (expressed in the first part), a certain result (expressed in the second part) can occur. It is equivalent to saying 'only if/when... then' in English. This structure is often used in statements of conditional reasoning or expressing the exclusivity and inevitability of a situation.

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