Decoded Slug: 多 (duō) - Many/Much

Mandarin Grammar Point
多 (duō) - Many/Much

多 (duō) - Many/Much

Short explanation:

Used to express the quantity or degree of something is greater than average or expected.


1. Subject + 多 + Verb. 2. Subject + Verb + 多.


Wǒ māmā měitiān dōu yào duō dú shū, yīnwèi tā xiǎng duō xuéxí yīxiē xīn de zhīshi.
My mom reads a lot every day because she wants to learn more new knowledge.
Tā de fángzi bǐ wǒ xiǎngxiàng zhōng de yào duō dà yīxiē.
His house is much bigger than I imagined.
Nǐ gōngzuò tài duō le, yīnggāi duō xiūxí yīxià.
You work too much, you should rest more.
Jīntiān de tiānqì duō rè a, wǒ juéde wǒ kěnéng huì zhòngshǔ.
It's so hot today, I think I might have a heatstroke.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '多 (duō)' is used to signify that the quantity, amount, or degree of something is a lot or more than expected. It can be used preceding a verb to express 'doing something a lot or to a large extent' and after a verb to denote 'doing something too much'. It is equivalent to the English 'many' or 'much' depending on the context.

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