Decoded Slug: 多少 (duōshǎo) - How much/How many

Mandarin Grammar Point
多少 (duōshǎo) - How much/How many

多少 (duōshǎo) - How much/How many

Short explanation:

Used to ask the quantity, amount, or degree of something.


Subject + Verb + 多少 + Measure Word/Noun?


Zhè zhī bǐ duōshǎo qián? Shí yuán.
How much is this pen? Ten yuan.
Nǐ jiā yǒu duōshǎo gè háizi? Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè háizi.
How many children do you have in your family? I have two children.
Nǐ dúguò duōshǎo běn shū? Wǒ yǐjīng dúguò yībǎi duō běn shū le.
How many books have you read? I have read over a hundred books.
Cóng nǐ jiā dào gōngsī yǒu duōshǎo gōnglǐ? Dàyuē yǒu wǔ gōnglǐ.
How many kilometers is it from your home to the company? It's about five kilometers.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '多少 (duōshǎo)' is chiefly used to inquire about the quantity or amount of something. It is equivalent to asking 'how much' or 'how many' in English. When seeking to understand the degree of a certain property, it can also equivalent to asking 'how much' in a less literal, more qualitative sense.

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