Decoded Slug: 太...了 (tài...le) - Too/Extremely

Mandarin Grammar Point
太...了 (tài...le) - Too/Extremely

太...了 (tài...le) - Too/Extremely

Short explanation:

Used to emphasize a certain quality or condition to an extreme extent.


Subject + 太 + Adjective + 了


Nǐ de shǒujī tài jiù le, nǐ yīnggāi huàn yīgè xīn de.
Your phone is too old, you should get a new one.
Zhè dào cài tài là le, wǒ chī bù xià.
This dish is too spicy, I can't eat it.
Tā tài gāo le, wǒ dū kàn bú dào tā de liǎn.
He is too tall, I can't even see his face.
Zhè bù diànyǐng tài hǎokàn le, wǒ yǐjīng kànle sān biàn.
This movie is so good, I've already watched it three times.

Long explanation:

In Mandarin Chinese, '太...了 (tài...le)' is used to express the excessiveness or extremeness of a situation, quality or condition. The word 太 (tài) means 'too' or 'extremely', and 了 (le) is a change of state particle to indicate the condition has reached the point that it is considered extreme. It is often used as a negative criticism, but can also be used positively.

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