Decoded Slug: 学习 (xuéxí) - Learn/Study

Mandarin Grammar Point
学习 (xuéxí) - Learn/Study

学习 (xuéxí) - Learn/Study

Short explanation:

This word indicates the act of gaining knowledge or skill through studying.


Subject + Verb + 学习 + Object


Tā měitiān wǎnshàng dōu zài xuéxí fǎyǔ, yīnwèi tā jìhuà míngnián qù Fǎguó lǚyóu.
She studies French every night because she plans to travel to France next year.
Wǒ zài dàxué xuéxí yīxué, yīnwèi wǒ xiǎng chéngwéi yīmíng yīshēng.
I am studying medicine at university because I want to become a doctor.
Wèile zhǔnbèi HSK kǎoshì, tā měitiān dōu zài nǔlì xuéxí Zhōngwén.
He studies Chinese diligently every day in preparation for the HSK exam.
Wǒmen zài xuéxí yǎnzòu gāngqín, xīwàng kěyǐ zài yīnyuè huì shàng yǎnzòu.
We are learning to play the piano, hoping to perform at a concert.

Long explanation:

The term '学习 (xuéxí)' in Mandarin Chinese denotes the action of gaining knowledge, understanding, or skill in a particular subject or field, through instruction, studying, practice, or experience. It is equivalent to the English terms 'learn' or 'study'. It is a key word in Mandarin Chinese educational context.

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