Decoded Slug: 尤其是 (yóuqíshì) - Especially, particularly

Mandarin Grammar Point
尤其是 (yóuqíshì) - Especially, particularly

尤其是 (yóuqíshì) - Especially, particularly

Short explanation:

Used to emphasize on a particular point or aspect in a context.


General statement + 尤其是 + Particular point


Wǒ xǐhuān xǔduō bùtóng lèixíng de yīnyuè, yóuqíshì yáogǔn yīnyuè.
I like many different types of music, especially rock music.
Wǒmen bān de tóngxué dōu hěn cōngmíng, yóuqíshì Lǐ Huá.
All the students in our class are smart, especially Li Hua.
Wǒ xǐ huan chī gè zhǒng gè yàng de shūguǒ, yóuqíshì píngguǒ.
I like eating all kinds of fruits and vegetables, especially apples.
Wǒ xǐhuan suǒyǒu de jìjié, yóuqíshì chūntiān.
I like all the seasons, especially spring.

Long explanation:

The phrase '尤其是 (yóuqíshì)' in Mandarin Chinese is used to put specific emphasis on a certain point or aspect within a context. This typically highlights a special case or example from a general situation. It is equivalent to 'especially' or 'particularly' in English. This phrase helps to bring attention to the root or salient point.

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