Decoded Slug: 看 (kàn) - Look/See/Watch

Mandarin Grammar Point
看 (kàn) - Look/See/Watch

看 (kàn) - Look/See/Watch

Short explanation:

This verb is used to indicate the action of looking, seeing, or watching.


Subject + 看 + Object


Wǒ měitiān wǎnshàng kàn xīnwén, yīnwèi wǒ xiǎng liǎojiě shìjiè de zuìxīn dòngtài.
I watch the news every night, because I want to understand the latest developments in the world.
Nǐ kàn, nà zhī xiǎo gǒu zhèngzài gōngyuán lǐ wánshuǎ.
Look, the puppy is playing in the park.
Wǒ xià gè zhōumò kàn lǎopéngyǒu, wǒmen yǐjīng hěnjiǔ méi jiànmiànle.
I will see my old friends next weekend. We haven't seen each other for a long time.
Māma ràng wǒ kàn zhè gè gùshì shū, shuō zhè gè gùshì hěn yǒu jiàoyù yìyì.
Mother asked me to read this storybook, saying that the story has educational significance.

Long explanation:

The verb '看 (kàn)' in Mandarin Chinese is a versatile word used to express the action of looking at, seeing, or watching something. It can be used in various contexts, such as watching a movie, looking at a picture, or seeing someone. Unlike English, which uses different verbs for these contexts, Mandarin Chinese uses '看 (kàn)' to cover all these senses.

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