Decoded Slug: 着 (zhe) - Particle indicating an ongoing action

Mandarin Grammar Point
着 (zhe) - Particle indicating an ongoing action

着 (zhe) - Particle indicating an ongoing action

Short explanation:

Used to show an ongoing action or status.


Verb + 着 (Zhe) + Rest of the sentence


Wǒ zhèngzài chúfáng lǐ zuò zhe wǎncān, kěyǐ qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ kàn yīxià kǎoxiāng ma?
I'm in the kitchen making dinner, can you help me check the oven?
Wǒ māma zuò zài shāfā shàng kàn zhe diànshì.
My mom is sitting on the sofa watching TV.
Wǒ piē dào tā zhàn zài chuānghù biān, wàng zhe chuāngwài de fēngjǐng.
I caught a glimpse of him standing by the window, looking out at the scenery.
Tā ná zhe shǒujī, yībiān zǒu yībiān kàn.
He is holding his phone, looking at it while walking.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese particle '着 (zhe)' is used to express an ongoing action or a specific state or condition that continues into the present. It's often placed right after the verb to convey that the action mentioned is in progress. It's somewhat similar to the '-ing' form in English.

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