Decoded Slug: 能 (néng) - Can/Be able to (capability/possibility)

Mandarin Grammar Point
能 (néng) - Can/Be able to (capability/possibility)

能 (néng) - Can/Be able to (capability/possibility)

Short explanation:

Used to express ability, permission, or possibility.


Subject + 能 + Verb + Rest of the sentence


Wǒ néng pǎo hěnyuǎn, yīnwèi wǒ měitiān dōu zài pǎobù duànliàn shēntǐ.
I can run very far because I jog every day to exercise my body.
Wǒmen néng chénggōng wánchéng zhège xiàngmù, zhǐyào wǒmen tuánduì hézuò.
We can successfully complete this project as long as our team cooperates.
Nǐ néng bāng wǒ zuò zhège gōngzuò ma? Wǒ xiànzài yǒudiǎn máng.
Can you help me do this job? I'm a bit busy now.
Māmā, wǒ néng qù gōngyuán wán ma?
Mom, can I go to the park to play?

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese word '能 (néng)' is a modal verb used to show capacity, ability, or possibility to do something. It's the equivalent of 'can' or 'be able to' in English. It is also used to indicate permission or to ask for or give permission for an action.

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