Decoded Slug: 虽然 (suīrán) - Although, though

Mandarin Grammar Point
虽然 (suīrán) - Although, though

虽然 (suīrán) - Although, though

Short explanation:

Used to express contrast or contradiction between two clauses.


虽然 + Clause 1, 但是/可是/就是 + Clause 2


Suīrán tā shì gè háizǐ, dànshì tā dǒngdé hěn duō shìqíng.
Although he is a child, he understands a lot of things.
Suīrán zhège diànyǐng hěn xǐhuan, dànshì wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān qù kàn tā.
Although I like this movie, I don't have time to watch it.
Suīrán tā hěn fùyǒu, dànshì tā guò dé bìng bù kuàilè.
Although he is very rich, he is not happy.
Suīrán tā fànle yīgè dà cuòwù, kěshì wǒ réngrán ài tā.
Although she made a big mistake, I still love her.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '虽然 (suīrán)' is used to introduce a clause which contains the information that is being contrasted with or contradicted by another clause. It is equivalent to the English conjunctions 'although' or 'though'. The structure typically followed by 虽然 is '虽然...但是...', where '...但是...' contains the contrasting or contradicting information.

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