Decoded Slug: 虽然...但是... (suīrán... dànshì...) - Although/Though... But...

Mandarin Grammar Point
虽然...但是... (suīrán... dànshì...) - Although/Though... But...

虽然...但是... (suīrán... dànshì...) - Although/Though... But...

Short explanation:

Used to present contrasting information or to express a concession.


虽然 + Statement 1, 但是 + Statement 2


Suīrán wàimiàn zhèngzài xiàyǔ, dànshì tāmen háishì juédìng chūqù pǎobù.
Although it's raining outside, they still decided to go for a run.
Suīrán tā hěn máng, dànshì tā zǒng shì zhǎo shíjiān qù jiànshēnfáng.
Although she's very busy, she always finds time to go to the gym.
Suīrán tā duì yīnyuè yǒu rèqíng, dànshì tā juédìng xuǎnzé yīxué zuòwéi tā de zhíyè.
Although he has a passion for music, he decided to choose medicine as his profession.
Suīrán wǒmen jìnlìle, dànshì wǒmen háishì shūle bǐsài.
Although we tried our best, we still lost the match.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '虽然...但是... (suīrán... dànshì...)' is a conjunction or a coordinating phrase used to present two contrastive ideas. The phrase '虽然' introduces a premise that could be an advantage, positive factor, or desired situation, while '但是' introduces a contrasting statement or reality that often undermines the premise initially presented. It is equivalent to the English phrase 'Although... But...'

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