Decoded Slug: 还没 (hái méi) - Still not/haven't yet

Mandarin Grammar Point
还没 (hái méi) - Still not/haven't yet

还没 (hái méi) - Still not/haven't yet

Short explanation:

Used to indicate an action or situation that has not yet occurred or been completed.


Subject + 还没 + Verb + Object


Tā hái méi wánchéng tā de zuòyè, suǒyǐ bùnéng chūqù wán.
He still hasn't finished his homework, so he can't go out to play.
Wǒmen hái méi dàodá mùdì dì, suǒyǐ qǐng dàjiā nàixīn děngdài.
We still haven't reached our destination, so please everyone wait patiently.
Wǒ hái méi kàn wán zhè bù diànyǐng, bùyào jùtòu a!
I still haven't finished watching this movie, don't spoil it!
Nǐ hái méi chī wǔfàn ma? Nà wǒmen yīqǐ qù ba.
You still haven't eaten lunch? Then let's go together.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '还没 (hái méi)' is used to express that something still hasn't occurred or a certain action hasn't been completed yet. It is generally used when the speaker is expecting the situation to change or the action to be completed in the future.

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