Decoded Slug: 除了...以外 (chúle... yǐwài) - Apart from.../Besides...

Mandarin Grammar Point
除了...以外 (chúle... yǐwài) - Apart from.../Besides...

除了...以外 (chúle... yǐwài) - Apart from.../Besides...

Short explanation:

Used to refer to exceptions or to add additional information.


Subject + 除了 Noun/Verb Phrase 以外(, 还)+ Rest of the sentence


Chúle Yīngyǔ yǐwài, wǒ hái huì shuō yīdiǎnr Fǎyǔ.
Apart from English, I can also speak a little French.
Chúle wǒ de jiārén yǐwài, méiyǒu rén zhīdào wǒ yào qù Zhōngguó.
Apart from my family, no one knows that I'm going to China.
Chúle yóuyǒng yǐwài, tā hái xǐhuan dǎ lánqiú.
Besides swimming, she also likes to play basketball.
Chúle rè de shíwù yǐwài, wǒ hái xǐhuān chī lěng de diǎnxīn.
Apart from hot meals, I also like to eat cold snacks.

Long explanation:

'除了...以外 (chúle... yǐwài)' is a common Mandarin Chinese structure used to denote an exception to a general statement, or to introduce supplemental information. It is roughly equivalent to the English expressions 'apart from...', 'besides...', or 'in addition to...'.

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