Decoded Slug: 除了...还/也... (chúle... hái/yě...) - Apart from... also...

Mandarin Grammar Point
除了...还/也... (chúle... hái/yě...) - Apart from... also...

除了...还/也... (chúle... hái/yě...) - Apart from... also...

Short explanation:

Used to express 'not only... but also...' or 'in addition to... also...' in a sentence.


除了 + Sentence 1, 还/也 + Sentence 2


Chúle dúshū, tā hái xǐhuān huàhuà.
Apart from studying, she also likes drawing.
Chúle yīngyǔ, tā yě huì shuō yīdiǎn fǎyǔ.
Not only can he speak English, but he can also speak a little French.
Chúle shì yīgè yōuxiù de zuòjiā, tā hái shì yīgè shúliàn de shèyǐngshī.
Apart from being an excellent writer, she is also a proficient photographer.
Chúle xià yǔ, jīntiān hái hěn lěng.
Apart from raining, it's also very cold today.

Long explanation:

The phrase '除了...还/也...' in Mandarin Chinese is used to show that in addition to what is mentioned in the first part of the sentence (the part after '除了'), there is another circumstance, condition or attribute mentioned in the second part of the sentence (the part after '还' or '也'). It is similar to 'not only... but also...' or 'in addition to... also...' in English. The use of '还' or '也' depends on the context. '还' is used when the second part adds new information, while '也' is used when the second part emphasizes a shared attribute or action.

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